Goat Rodeo Brewing loves hops. We salivate of the thought of hops. We yearn for hops. We want to bathe in hop water. We worship hops! Yet, we still haven't brewed a good India Pale Ale. That streak ends now with the introduction of Gila Hop Moster, an Imperial IPA brewed with tons of hops that should give off a floral, citrus, and grapefruit aroma. It has a sweet malty backbone, so that the bitterness of the beer won't overwhelm the palate.
Grain - carafoam and crystal.
Malt Extract - golden light (both dry and liquid) and maltodextrin
Hops - Columbus, Cascade, Citra, and Centennial (2 oz of each/8 oz total)
Yeast - White Labs liquid California Ale Yeast
Corn sugar added to boost alcohol content.
OG - 1.074 (9-9.5% ABV)
Color - burnt orange with slight reddish hue
Any way to purchase some empty bottles or some labels of the Gila Hop Monster?